Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label babies. Show all posts

Friday, September 4, 2009

Madison's First Play-Group

Today, I woke Miss Madison up and hopped in the car to go to our first play group. I am trying to count how many mommy-baby couples were there... I think it was 8-10.
Madison was so sweet even when some of the more mobile babies would try to take the toy that she was playing with or if they bumped her in a drive by crawling. She only got fussy when a little girl next to her got a bottle and she didn't. She came home with an itty bitty scratch on her face from when one of the little boys was trying to play with her hair- Randy was not amused... (don't worry.. the scratch is all gone now)

I am so excited to be taking this step towards a more social lifestyle. I have something to look forward to in the week! Plus--- nothing is cuter than a room full of babies!

I have officially taken a step towards the light! A friend of mine suggested that I go on and search for playgroups in our area. Madison and I joined two different groups- So far I have only met with one of the groups. I am looking forward to meeting with the second group next weekend for a visit to the Marietta Farmer's Market. (Also- Madison's buddy Thatcher joined one of these groups! YEAH!!!!!)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Three's company

*Disclaimer- this is intended to be completely lighthearted! I am very thankful for all the love and support that Randy and I have received*

So- a funny thing happens when you have a baby- people disappear. When you are pregnant everyone gets so excited and vows their every spare moment to your every possible need! In honor of this phenomenon I would like to make a top ten list of things I never thought that I would say pre-parenthood. However- I say these so frequently that I could only come up with 6- oh well. What is so great about these is they are all considered acceptable topics of discussion at the dinner table (only amongst other parents- some people get grossed out- obviously they aren't around often enough to find any of these funny)

Things I NEVER thought I'd say before the birth of my daughter... here goes!

6. "She only crapped on 2 outfits today!"
5. "Did she poop yet today? I fed her prunes and I wanted to see if her poo came out purple!"
4. "Yeah! She pooped!"
3. "Please be sure to put that outfit in the 'to be oxycleaned' PILE"
2. "I love how cute it is when she farts in the morning"
1. "I have boogers on my shoulder? Today must be my day- just one shoulder!"

This entry was prompted by the onslaught of status updates on facebook regarding babies. I have a few select friends of mine who have had babies "before the curve"- for them I will be eternally grateful. Without the likes of Jessie F., Jessie B., Heidi, Brianne and Kelly- I would have been completely lost. I am starting to feel like a "veteran parent" now that everyone else is finally getting married and having their planned babies. Odd, seeing as I have only been a mommy for a little over half a year.

So- to all you parents to be- congrats! Here is my advice to you- register for size 3 and up diapers, invest in stain removal spray and enjoy the company you keep as of now. Once you have a "scream machine" they will all leave you until they have their own :)

Also- to those amazing women who are trying so hard to get pregnant- enjoy the process! Screaming babies are the anti- aphrodisiac. Eitherway, hang in there- it is so worth it. Oh and Ash- I had a dream about you and babies the other night!